Freiberg and Berlin, 27 January 2023 – the chair of Reaction Engineering at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg joins aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany). The chair is part of the Institute of Energy Process and Chemical Engineering dedicated to the Faculty of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering.
The profile of research and teaching mainly implies industrial chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis. In the field of sustainable fuels, the use of CO2 as a raw material for gaseous and liquid energy carriers is being researched. The CO2 can be obtained either from biomass or from existing sources such as cement and glass production plants, chemical industry and waste incineration. In this context, the following process routes are investigated: CO2 hydrogenation to CO4 (Power-to-Gas (PtG)), CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, Methanol to Gasoline (MtG), Methanol to Olefins (MtO), Methanol to Aromatics (MtA), Oligomerisation of methanol-derived olefins and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Prof. Dr. Sven Kureti, Head of Chair of Reaction Engineering, comments on joining: “I am very much looking forward to the cooperation with all the reputed members of aireg and the activities that we can develop together in the context of defossilizing air transportation. As a research institute that has been dealing with sustainable synthetic and biogenic fuels for many years, especially kerosene, we are happy to accompany and support the current developments towards climate-neutral aviation.”
Melanie Form, member of the aireg board and managing director, says about joining: “We are very pleased to welcome the Chair of Reaction Engineering as a new member. In order to make the future of aviation climate neutral, research in the field of sustainable aviation fuels is essential. It is necessary in the short and medium term to keep an eye on the entire range of sustainable raw materials (according to REDII) and the different manufacturing routes, because only then it will be possible to achieve the reduction target for global aviation in 2050 and enable climate-neutral air transportation.”
About the Chair of Reaction Engineering: The Reaction Engineering professorship at the Institute for Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering deals with catalytic mass and energy conversion processes in the fields of industrial chemistry and refinery technology. The main focus lies on exhaust gas purification, the production of synthetic and biogenic fuels and chemical feedstocks, the development of catalysts and chemical processes, and fundamental research on heterogeneous catalysts. The chair of Reaction Engineering maintains close cooperation with the neighboring professorship of Energy Process Engineering, which deals with the supply of carbon, for example by gasification of biomass and waste, and the upscaling to the level of pilot plants.
About aireg e.V.:
aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. was founded in 2011 as an association of companies and organisations from industry, research and science. As a non-profit initiative, aireg is committed to the availability and use of renewable energies in aviation in order to achieve the ambitious CO₂ reduction targets of the aviation industry. The members come from all areas of the value chain of renewable energies for aviation: This ranges from research at universities and large research institutions, plant manufacturers and operators, biorefineries, the petroleum industry, engine and aircraft manufacturers, governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations and airports to airlines. The industrial members internationally cover a broad international spectrum, from start-ups to large corporations.
For further information:
Chair of Reaction Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sven Kureti
Reiche Zeche, IEC Building No. 1
Room 1-121
Phone: +49 3731/39-4482
Fax: +49 3731/39-4555
aireg e.V.
Melanie Form
Member of the Board
Phone: +49 (0)178 1843041