Neustadt and Berlin, 07. June 2023 – with Austro Engine GmbH, a manufacturer of state-of-the-art aircraft engines joins aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany).
Austro Engine offers innovative solutions in the field of kerosene piston aircraft engines for a wide range of Diamond Aircraft models as well as rotary engines for powered gliders and UAVs. The state-of-the-art engines are characterized by low fuel consumption due to a higher efficiency, as well as lowest possible emissions and simplified operation both on the ground and in the air.
Felix Zahradnik, CTO Austro Engine: “We believe the coexistence of several technologies as strategically sensible for General Aviation. Diamond Aircraft is currently developing the eDA40, an all-electric training aircraft, which will be certified in the near future. Austro Engine relies on more than 16 years of experience and more than 2.5 million hours flown with their piston engines. In addition to further innovations in the field of material science and combustion process development, the key to sustainability lies in the type of fuel used. By using regeneratively produced fuels, not only can the existing infrastructure be utilized, but also the CO2 balance significantly and directly influenced. Hydrogen direct combustion will open up further potential for the piston engine in the long term. This high diversity of technologies and the complex market development of aviation is easier to manage in a consortium like that of aireg and joining them is a strategically important step for us.”
Melanie Form, member of the aireg board and managing director, says about joining: “We are very pleased to welcome Austro Engine GmbH as a new member. As a manufacturer of piston aircraft engines, Austro Engine can make a significant contribution to sustainability in the field of general aviation by using SAF.”
About Austro Engine GmbH:
Austro Engine, a sister company of Diamond Aircraft and headquartered in Austria, is an innovative manufacturer of state-of-the-art aircraft engines with over 110 employees. Founded in 2007, Austro Engine offers innovative solutions in jet fuel piston engines (AE300/AE330) for Diamond Aircraft‘s DA62, DA42-VI and DA40 NG models as well as a proven line of rotary engines (AE50R/AE110R) for various UAV and APU applications. For further information, please click here.
About aireg e.V:
aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. was founded in 2011 as an association of companies and organisations from industry, research and science. As a non-profit initiative, aireg is committed to the availability and use of renewable energies in aviation in order to achieve the ambitious CO₂ reduction targets of the aviation industry. The members come from all areas of the value chain of renewable energies for aviation: This ranges from research at universities and large research institutions, plant manufacturers and operators, biorefineries, the petroleum industry, engine and aircraft manufacturers, governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations and airports to airlines. The industrial members internationally cover a broad international spectrum, from start-ups to large corporations.
For further information:
Austro Engine GmbH
Anita M. Lentsch
Director Marketing & Communications
Phone: +43 2622 26700 1182
aireg e.V.
Melanie Form
Member of the Board
Phone: +49 (0)178 1843041