Berlin, September 17 2024 – with HIF Global, aireg (Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany) welcomed one of the world’s leading e-fuels companies as a member.
HIF Global is developing projects around the globe to offer climate-neutral e-Fuels as a replacement for fossil fuels, which are currently used in cars, ships, trucks, aircraft and the petrochemical industry. The company has already produced synthetic fuels for cars in its Haru Oni facility in southern Chile, pioneering in the production of e-methanol, which is used as a base fuel that can be further refined into e-SAF, e-Gasoline, e-Diesel, etc.
Thorsten Herdan, CEO of HIF EMEA, the subsidiary of HIF Global: “After signing the Memorandum of Understanding with Airbus at the Farnborough Airshow, we are very pleased to take the next step in building long-term strategic partnerships in the aviation industry in Germany by joining aireg e.V. We look forward to joining forces in this strong network to offer solutions for the aviation industry.”
e-SAF is a type of Sustainable Aviation Fuel made by combining recycled CO₂ and green hydrogen produced with renewable electricity. e-SAF is a drop-in fuel which can be used in existing airplanes without any modifications to their engines. HIF Global is designing e-SAF production facilities based on methanol to jet fuel synthesis, also called the MtJ pathway.
Siegfried Knecht, Chairman of the Board of aireg, comments on joining: “We are delighted to welcome HIF Global as a new member. e-SAF offers great long-term potential to substantially reduce the climate impact of aviation and make a significant contribution to more sustainable global air transport. Together with our members, we are therefore advocating, among other things, financial support for the production ramp-up of e-SAF above the current quotas. If the net zero CO2 target is to be achieved in 2050, more ambitious SAF usage targets are essential, which must take into account from a regulatory perspective a competitive level playing field.”
About HIF Global:
HIF Global is the world’s leading e-Fuels company, developing projects worldwide to convert renewable energy into near carbon neutral e-Fuels that can be utilized in existing engines. The name HIF represents the mission of the company: to provide Highly Innovative Fuels to make decarbonization of the planet possible. HIF is producing e-Fuels today at its HIF Haru Oni e-Fuels facility in southern Chile and is developing commercial-scale e-Fuels facilities in Texas, Uruguay, Australia, and Chile. For more information, visit www.hifglobal.com.
About aireg e.V.:
aireg – the Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. was established in 2011 as a consortium of companies and organisations from industry, research, and academia. As a charitable initiative, aireg is dedicated to promoting the availability and use of renewable energies in aviation to achieve the aviation industry’s ambitious CO₂ reduction targets. Its members span the entire value chain of renewable energies for aviation, ranging from university and major research institution research, equipment manufacturers and operators, bio-refineries, the petroleum industry, engine and aircraft manufacturers, government organisations, non-governmental organisations, and airports to airlines. The industrial members internationally range from startups to large conglomerates.
For additional information:
aireg e.V.
Maren Berthold
Research Associate